Accessing a windows shared folder from Linux?

If you want to use the GUI, try clicking Places -> Connect to Server…. For Service Type choose Windows share, and fill out the fields like so: Server: Share: SharedFolder Then download your file from the window. If you want to use a command-line interface, smbclient uses a FTP-like interface (get, put, etc.): ~$ … Read more

Windows could not reconnect all network drives

If you don’t have Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon configured in your GPO, it’s possible that your computer boots and you log in with cached credentials before the NIC is up and has obtained an address. Then, by the time you get around to opening Explorer, you’ve got … Read more

How did I get this Windows share to prompt for login?

This really piqued my interest. I was able to replicate your findings in my lab with the same pattern of results that you describe. I used Procmon to to try to see what changes are made and almost gave up until I saw the following: That shows lsass.exe (Local Security Authority) writing to the local … Read more

Get files from server two steps away [closed]

You can create an SSH tunnel through machine2 then in another session connect to the tunnel. For example, open two CLI sessions on machine1. In the first session run the following: MACHINE1$ ssh -L 2022:MACHINE3:22 <user>@MACHINE2 In the second session run the following: MACHINE1 $ ssh -p 2022 <user>@localhost What’s happening with the first command … Read more

Windows 10 Keeps asking for authentication for public samba share

I don’t know how, but when I inserted as username \ and left the password field blank suddenly it accepted the credentials and showed me the share contents. Maybe it will help someone else who has the same issue. EDIT: when I originally posted this answer I couldn’t check the checkbox to remember the credentials, … Read more