Is Android using NTP to sync time?

I know about Android ICS that it uses a custom service called: NetworkTimeUpdateService. This service also implements a NTP time synchronization via the NtpTrustedTime singleton. In NtpTrustedTime the default NTP server is requested from the Android system string source: final Resources res = context.getResources(); final String defaultServer = res.getString(; If the automatic time sync … Read more

Replacing sick NTP server source and re-synching (with internal time currently 2 minutes late)

Unless extremely accurate timekeeping is mission-critical for you there should be no discernible effect for your users, aside from their clocks changing by 2 minutes. The possible exception is if they declare your NTP server to be “insane” as a result of the large change (which would require you to restart the NTP service on … Read more

How to configure ntpd to sync time more frequently?

The iburst option does several checks quickly as soon as the daemon is started and whenever the server is unreachable if you have that in your configuration. The burst option does several checks quickly whenever the server is reachable. By default ntpd then follows an exponential backoff where the time between checks progressively increases, starting … Read more

How to synchronize time on ESXi Windows virtual machines within one second?

This is 2018. Windows is capable of keeping servers synchronized within 2 ms or so, as required by MIFID II Regulations. So, your problem is a non-problem. Our sysadmins using windows NTP to sync time with domain controller. Synchronization of VMs with ESXI host is off. Why? The host can handle this a lot better … Read more