How to configure ntpd to sync time more frequently?

The iburst option does several checks quickly as soon as the daemon is started and whenever the server is unreachable if you have that in your configuration. The burst option does several checks quickly whenever the server is reachable. By default ntpd then follows an exponential backoff where the time between checks progressively increases, starting … Read more

ntp.conf pool vs server directives

As far as I can see in the sources, ntpd handles both a member of a pool and individual servers roughly in the same way: it adds them to the list of peers. All these peers are used by ntpd. The magic of the pool mechanism is in round-robin DNS: as ntpd resolves the pool … Read more

Things to consider when running public NTP servers

Firstly, good for you; it’s a helpful and public-spirited thing to do. That said, and given your clarification that you’re planning on creating one or more DMZ VMs which will sync to and make publicly-available the time from your three Meinberg GPS-enabled stratum-1 (internal) servers: Edit: Virtualisation comes up for discussion on the pool list … Read more

Compare NTPD and ntpdate

The NTP algorithm includes information to allow you to calculate and fix the drift in your server’s clock. NTPD includes the ability to use this to keep your clock in sync and will run more accurately than a clock on a computer not running NTPD. NTPD will also use several servers to improve accuracy. ntpdate … Read more