Get exact geo coordinates along an entire route, Google Maps or OpenStreetMap

OSRM gives you routes with road geometries as they are in the OpenStreetMap database. For example, you can get the route as GPX (and post-process this file if you want). This would look like the following: GET,15.458470&loc=47.071100,15.476760&output=gpx Read more: OSRM API docs.

Setting map language to English in Openstreetmap with LeafletJS

The standard tile server of OSM tries to display labels in the local language whenever such data is available (local meaning the language of the country currently displayed, not your local language). The tiles, served by the tile server, already contain the labels, so you cannot remove them afterwards. But you can: render them on … Read more

Get address from co-ordinates using OpenStreetMap [closed]

There are multiple reverse geocoding APIs available for OpenStreetMap (since the data is open-source, anyone can build one). The two that I would recommend you investigate further are: Nominatim, run by a member of the OSM community as a volunteer project. Reverse Geocoding documentation CloudMade Geocoding, run as a commercial service. Reverse Geocoding documentation (at … Read more

How to integrate OpenStreetMap into a react-native project?

Using Mapbox GL ⚠️ WARNING: the instructions below for Mapbox appear to no longer be free if you use SDK/library versions after 2.0.0, released around Dec 2020. See this SO answer for more details: Old answer (pre-December 2020 – see above): Another option is to use Mapbox GL, which is free as long as … Read more

A* Algorithm for very large graphs, any thoughts on caching shortcuts?

You should be able to make it much faster by trading off optimality. See Admissibility and optimality on wikipedia. The idea is to use an epsilon value which will lead to a solution no worse than 1 + epsilon times the optimal path, but which will cause fewer nodes to be considered by the algorithm. … Read more

Openstreetmap: embedding map in webpage (like Google Maps)

You need to use some JavaScript stuff to show your map. OpenLayers is the number one choice for this. There is an example at and something more advanced at and