Why does adding one character to my MySQL password lock me out?

As has been covered by Mircea Vutcovici, the password is only stored after hashing, which means it will have fixed length when stored. Ie, it’s not obvious that there should be such a limitation. I believe what was encountered may rather be a limitation imposed specifically by the mysql client application. The get_tty_password function seems … Read more

In a large Linux only network how would you handle Authentication and User management?

The closest equivalent to Active Directory for Linux is FreeIPA. FreeIPA is made by Redhat, and provides both LDAP and Kerberos based authentication to a Linux network… FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution combining Linux (Fedora), 389 Directory Server, MIT Kerberos, NTP, DNS, Dogtag (Certificate System). It consists of a web interface and … Read more

What is the industry standard method for administering the change of the local administrator password for all machines on a domain?

I’m going to go ahead and take my comment to answertown. It will have to be 3rd party. As you already pointed out, none of the three options you mention are optimal. Microsoft does not provide a perfect way of doing this. There just isn’t one. It will be third party, and it will almost … Read more

How do i change Active Directory Password in Windows 2012 Terminal Server without Using CTRL ALT

This is the best I’ve got so far – log on to an older (I’m using Server 2008 R2) server with the Windows Security shortcut displayed in the start menu. Open the Start Menu and drag the Windows Security item to the desktop. The resulting shortcut can be used on a 2012 box. The CLSID … Read more

How does a team of Systems Administrators share passwords securely?

I would probably write a custom web-based solution hosted on a corporate intranet. (take a look at http://lastpass.com for inspiration, or to use it. Sharing passwords is one of its features, though it may not work for your volume.) EDIT: Sure, best solution, don’t share them. Storing cleartext passwords in any medium is dangerous, particularly … Read more