Determine the OS version, Linux and Windows from Powershell

Aren’t there environment variables you can view on the other platforms for the OS? Get-ChildItem -Path Env: Particularly, on Windows at least, there’s an OS environment variable, so you should be able to accomplish this by using $Env:OS. Since some time has passed and the PowerShell Core (v6) product is GA now (the Core branding … Read more

Toggle between fullscreen editor and terminal in VS Code

To toggle between a full screen editor and a nearly full screen terminal you can use: { “key”: “ctrl+alt+m”, “command”: “workbench.action.toggleMaximizedPanel” } with your keybinding of choice to replace the Ctrl–Alt–m : that is mine. You just need to “maximize” the terminal first – pull it up as far as it goes. It will remember … Read more