How to check for duplicate CSS rules? [duplicate]

Install Node JS if you have already node js installed or after installing open node command prompt window by typing node( on windows machine) in start. Type following command to install css purge tool npm install css-purge -g After the tool is installed, Open the folder where node command prompt window is open and … Read more

Correct way to set up DNS primary/secondary/… for redundancy and latency reduction?

There is a really great, albeit quite technical “Best Practices” document that may prove useful when combating your sysadmin. If he/she doesn’t recognize the validity of articles written by Cisco, then you might as well stop arguing with the sysadmin – go up a level of management. Many other “Best Practices” document recommend separating … Read more

Load balancing Apache on a budget?

The solution I use, and can be easily implemented with VPS, is the following: DNS is round-robin’ed (sp?) to 6 different valid IP addresses. I have 3 load balancers with identical configuration and using corosync/pacemaker to distribute the 6 ip adresses evenly (so each machine gets 2 adresses). Each of the load balancers has a … Read more

Is it possible to have a secondary managed DNS provider to quickly delegate to when DDOS attack on our *primary* external DNS provider happens?

First, let’s address the question in the title. Is it possible to have a secondary managed DNS provider to quickly delegate to “Quick” and “delegation” do not belong in the same sentence together when we’re talking about the delegation for the top of the domain. The nameservers operated by the top level domain (TLD) registries … Read more

When is RAID worth the trouble?

Don’t worry, RAID isn’t used throughout the business world because of groupthink! The chance of decent RAID controllers failing is far, far lower than the chance of a disk failure. I don’t recall ever seeing a RAID controller fail in real life, while I’ve seen many a disk die, both in the office and datacenter. … Read more

Is there any value in protecting both rack power feeds with their own UPS?

Answers to this may vary. But I actually work in warehousing and logistics environments, and I’ll typically plan new server rooms to have a high capacity central UPS (6kVA or more), usually an online (double-conversion) model. Devices of this tier have UPS management interfaces, so it makes sense to tie those in to SNMP and … Read more