C# – StyleCop – SA1121: UseBuiltInTypeAlias – Readability Rules

Just to clarify: not everyone agrees with the authors of StyleCop. Win32 and .NET guru Jeffrey Richter writes in his excellent book CLR via C#: The C# language specification states, “As a matter of style, use of the keyword is favored over use of the complete system type name.” I disagree with the language specification; … Read more

Why eslint consider JSX or some react @types undefined, since upgrade typescript-eslint/parser to version 4.0.0

I had the same issue when trying to declare variables as of type JSX.Element in typescript. I added “JSX”:”readonly” to globals in .eslintrc.json and the problem was gone. In your case it would be: globals: { React: true, google: true, mount: true, mountWithRouter: true, shallow: true, shallowWithRouter: true, context: true, expect: true, jsdom: true, JSX: … Read more

Nginx multiple roots

The configuration has the usual problem that generally happens with nginx. That is, using root directive inside location block. Try using this configuration instead of your current location blocks: root /home/me/Documents/site1; index index.html; location /petproject { alias /home/me/pet-Project/website; } This means that the default directory for your website is /home/me/Documents/site1, and for /petproject URI, the … Read more