Scheduled restart of a service with powerhshell as non-admin service account

The anwser to another question resolved my issue as well. The steps I did were: enable-psremoting on the server in an admin powershell prompt Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI on the server in an admin powershell prompt Added the service account (or security group) with full privileges sc sdshow scmanager on the server in an admin … Read more

Why is Windows Task Scheduler trying to launch multiple instances?

This is the issue described in KB2617046: if you disable and then enable a scheduled task, duplicate triggers are created. The task properties still shows only one trigger, but you can see that the task is triggered multiple times simultaneously in the task history. There is a hotfix available from Microsoft. The hotfix says it … Read more

Is it possible for a Scheduled Task to run as NETWORK SERVICE?

I asked this same question. Fortunately RyanRies was able to provide a correct answer. In Windows Server 2003 you cannot run a scheduled task as NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService (aka the Network Service account). That capability only was added with Task Scheduler 2.0, which only exists in Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008. Bonus Chatter LocalService Account is a … Read more

Program does not run properly as Scheduled Task

I believe your problem has to do with either the permissions of the account being used to run the task, or the context of the account as exists when trying to run the task. Test for Console Session Requirement It’s possible your .EXE must be run in Console session (aka Session 0) on the computer. … Read more

Windows scheduled task fails to complete with error code 0xc000013a

Troubleshooting scheduled scripts: If you haven’t already, check the Scheduled Tasks log file, in the GUI under Advanced > View Log. Search the file for “***” to find the most recent entries, and you may see a little extra error info. Define a log file to capture output, and send both standard out and standard … Read more