Redmine and Scrum [closed]

Thought I’d make mention of the Redmine Backlogs plugin again. It’s been getting some TLC lately. product backlog view, taskboard view, real-time updates, reports, task colors unique to the user’s preference, etc.

What are Epics in regard of features and backlog items in Team Foundation? [closed]

The general consensus is that: Product backlog Item is something that can be delivered in a single sprint. Feature is something that can’t be delivered in a single sprint, but that can be delivered in a single release. Epic is something that transcends releases. Theme is a cross cutting concern. Theme is generally implemented as … Read more

What is the difference between Sprint and Iteration in Scrum and length of each Sprint? [closed]

All sprints are iterations but not all iterations are sprints. Iteration is a common term in iterative and incremental development (IID). Scrum is one specialized flavor of IID so it makes sense to specialize the terminology as well. It also helps brand the methodology different from other IID methodologies 🙂 As to the sprint length: … Read more

Remove weekends from Burndown in Board View (TFS 2012 – Scrum 2.0)

UPDATE: The burndown excludes the weekends on Visual Studio Online. Later this year, this feature ships with TFS 2013 Update 2 for on-prem customers. See the announcement at If you want to configure the working days of your team, you can click on the gear button in the top right corner which will open … Read more

How to automate development environment setup? [closed]

There are several options, and sometimes a combination of these is useful: automated installation disk imaging virtualization source code control Details on the various options: Automated Installation Tools for automating installation and configuration of a workstation’s various services, tools and config files: Puppet has a learning curve but is powerful. You define classes of machines … Read more

How does Scrum work when you have multiple projects? [closed]

Scrum really doesn’t dictate that you have to be working on the one self-contained product. It simply states that there is a bunch of stuff that needs to be done (the product backlog), there is a certain amount of development time available in the next iteration (worked out from the project velocity) and there are … Read more