What is the best Ruby on Rails environment for a Visual Studio user?

If you want to stick with Visual Studio, you can always use the Ruby in Steel plugin by Sapphire Steel. The best traditional IDE for Ruby is probably NetBeans, it even has a special stripped-down Ruby Edition. However, note that unlike less expressive languages like Java, C# or VB.NET, you can not only get by, … Read more

Running as a host user within a Docker container

You can share the host’s passwd file: docker run -ti -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -u `id -u`:`id -g` -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` -v pydeps:/usr/local -p 8000:8000 python:3-slim ./manage.py runserver Or, add the user to the image with useradd, using /etc as volume, in the same way you use /usr/local: docker run -v etcvol:/etc python….. useradd -u `id … Read more

How do I change my development environment to a different language in Visual Studio?

Tools → Import and Export Settings → Import Selected Environment Settings… A dialog will appear, prompting you whether or not you want to save your current settings. If you’ve made extensive customizations and might want to go back to them at a later date, you should choose to save them. Then click “Next”. You’ll be … Read more

Is the Windows dev environment worth the cost? [closed]

Microsoft offers lots of express editions of Visual Studio and SQL Server that are free of charge and may even be used commercially. In programs like DreamSpark, students can download e.g. Visual Studio 2010 Professional (full edition!) for free, so it is not said that you need to pay hundreds of thousands to develop Windows … Read more