How did I get this Windows share to prompt for login?

This really piqued my interest. I was able to replicate your findings in my lab with the same pattern of results that you describe. I used Procmon to to try to see what changes are made and almost gave up until I saw the following: That shows lsass.exe (Local Security Authority) writing to the local … Read more

How do I find out what version of SMB is in use by each attached client to a Windows Server 2016?

I did find a way to do this. Hopefully this helps someone else looking for the same information. On the server, open a powershell then enter this command: Get-SmbSession | Select-Object -Property ClientComputerName,ClientUserName,Dialect For more verbose output: Get-SmbSession | Select-Object -Property *

Is there any reason to allow SMB over the internet?

SMB is a file sharing protocol and, as such, it is sometime left open to the internet for, well, sharing files. However, this is a very bad idea. Compared to simpler protocol as FTP or WebDAV, which basically have very small GET/PUT interfaces and are entirely implemented in isolated userspace processes, SMB is a much … Read more