How to configure a non-default serviceAccount on a deployment

As you will need to specify ‘podSpec’ in Deployment as well, you should be able to configure the service account in the same way. Something like: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: my-deployment spec: template: # Below is the podSpec. metadata: name: … spec: serviceAccountName: build-robot automountServiceAccountToken: false …

Service account doesn’t show up in Google Play Console after creation

I had the same problem, I fixed it this way: When you create a service account in step 2, you need to select a role to grant this service account some permissions, although it shows the step is optional, but for some cases, it’s not. If you skip this step, the newly created service account … Read more

Scheduled restart of a service with powerhshell as non-admin service account

The anwser to another question resolved my issue as well. The steps I did were: enable-psremoting on the server in an admin powershell prompt Set-PSSessionConfiguration -Name Microsoft.PowerShell -ShowSecurityDescriptorUI on the server in an admin powershell prompt Added the service account (or security group) with full privileges sc sdshow scmanager on the server in an admin … Read more