Create python soap server based on wsdl

This question has not received enough attention. The currently accepted answer is good, but its answer is ‘no’. Is there really no reasonably maintained and general solution? Unfortunately, I don’t think the negative answer is due to lack of attention to the question. There really is no support for WSDL in python. If you want … Read more

WCF – Inspect the messages being sent/received?

To view the message contents you must add a source for System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging in your configuration file. The message tab in the Trace Viewer will show the full message for a particular service call. Here is a sample configuration file: <configuration> … <system.diagnostics> <sources> <source name=”System.ServiceModel” switchValue=”All” propagateActivity=”true”> <listeners> <add name=”traceListener” /> </listeners> </source> <source name=”System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging” … Read more

Fiddler not sniffing SOAP traffic from ASP.NET website

What’s the client of the web service? ASP.NET? ASP.NET traffic isn’t proxied unless you configure ASP.NET to use a proxy. It’s possible/likely that the app.config or machine.config changed such that traffic is no longer getting proxied? You should have a look at this section:

targetNamespace and namespace in WSDL

The target namespace in the WSDL file will be the name space associated with the SOAP service itself. For example we have a customer service the namespace would be something like The XSD imports section is where you specify the namespace of the XSD you are about to import. A XSD file will contain … Read more

MinOccurs 0 and nillable true

Setting nillable=”true” means that the <birthDate> tag can appear as follows: <birthDate xsi:nil=”true”/> However, since you also set minOccurs=”0″, you could also omit the <birthDate> tag completely from the XML and it would also still validate against your XSD. Note that <birthDate/> or <birthDate></birthDate> is not considered null according to XSD rules. Have a look … Read more

SoapUI change endpoint address

Look at the request window and expand the select box with the endpoint address. You should see something like this: / [edit current…] [add new endpoint…] [delete current] You click on [edit current…] and you can change the value. Here is an example using some available web service from