If I am using SSH for a SOCKS proxy, do DNS connections go through it?

I know the answer is bit late, but for the reference and for those who are still looking for the answer, Set the network.proxy.socks_remote_dns property in firefox config (type about:config in address bar) to TRUE (just double click the property to toggle the value) to enable dns lookups over your local/remote socks5 proxy. PS: I’m … Read more

strange output on ssh tunneling: output failed; connect failed: Connection timed out;

I have experienced similar issues. If you are tunneling with Firefox through ssh, some http connections can simply timeout due to server load or improper configuration. When the connection actually does timeout, you’ll get an error message like the one you indicated. You can suppress these messages with the following command ssh user@xx.yy.zz.41 -p 1234 … Read more

How can I disable encryption on openssh?

Without recompiling anything, it cannot be done as far as I am aware. You can however switch to ARC4 or Blowfish which are preposterously fast on modern hardware. The BEST performance (as far as clock cycles are concerned) increase you can get is with adding compression no You can do this by changing ciphers aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,arcfour256,arcfour128, … Read more