Is it OK to have multiple TXT records for a single domain containing different SPF entries?

No. You are right. See RFC 4408, section 4.5. Records that do not begin with a version section of exactly “v=spf1” are discarded. Note that the version section is terminated either by an SP character or the end of the record. A record with a version section of “v=spf10” does not match and must be … Read more

SPF include vs redirect

Pretty much what it says on the tin. In the first case, domain 2’s SPF record is included in the SPF record for domain1, but can still be modified eg by adding another A host that isn’t permitted for “v=spf1 -all” In the second case, domain2’s SPF record is used as the … Read more

SPF vs. DKIM – The exact use cases and differences

SPF has many more rankings than Pass/Fail. Using these in heuristically scoring spam makes the process easier and more accurate. Failing on account of “advanced setups” indicates the mail admin didn’t know what he was doing in setting up the SPF record. There’s no setup that SPF can’t account for correctly. Cryptography doesn’t work in … Read more

Is using SOFTFAIL over FAIL in the SPF record considered best practice?

Well, it was certainly not the intent of the specification for it to be used instead – softfail is intended as a transition mechanism, where you can have the messages marked without rejecting them outright. As you’ve found, failing messages outright tends to cause problems; some legitimate services, for example, will spoof your domain’s addresses … Read more