Why would a heavily disk intensive application run faster on a SAN than on a Physical Disk?

I’m not at all surprised. SAN arrays typically have a LOT of disks involved. The limiting factor for disk I/O is the speed of the individual disk, and these stack. 6 drives locally in a RAID10 will perform better than 2, and 80 drives on a SAN will perform better than 10 drives locally. There … Read more

Cheapest iSCSI SAN for Windows 2008/SQL Server clustering?

Consider whether you really need hot failover. If you’re worrying about price at the level of an entry level SAN then consider whether you really have a business case for that recovery model. How expensive is your downtime for an outage? If the cost of an outage justifies the cost of a decent SAN, buy … Read more

How should I set up my Fibre Channel (FC) network?

Fibre Channel switches usually connect clients to storage. FC is a protocol that is designed explicitly to transport SCSI commands. In fact, the Fibre Channel protocol is a direct extension of the SCSI protocol. All SCSI commands have a FC equivalent, and FC has a few extra ones that allow for networking. Assuming you have … Read more

SQL Server disk design on an ISCSI SAN

Logs and data drives have different data access patterns that are in conflict with each other (at least in theory) when they share a drive. Log Writes Log access consists of a very large number of small sequential writes. Somewhat simplistically, DB logs are ring buffers containing a list of instructions to write data items … Read more