SKStoreProductViewController crashes for unrecognized selector named sceneDisconnected: in iOS 15.6 beta5

Looks like this was fixed in the iOS 15.6 release candidate that was realeased today. Sept 14 2022 Update: Apple re-introduced this crash in the official 15.7 release. It only seems to happen when the app is force quit so it should not affect users. I’ve filed a ticket to Apple on and would … Read more

Logout from AppStore on iOS Simulator

There is another way to log out from that sandbox account without “Reset Content & Settings” . Just remove the files from the following path in your home directory : ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/5.0/Library/ You may also need to restart the Simulator for the change to take effect. This just removes the stored information about iTunes … Read more

iOS Sandbox Test User account Subscription Management

You can’t really manage subscriptions in sandbox, but as Jean-Paul de Ville de Goyet found out on Apple Developer Forums: 1 month subscriptions auto-renew every 5 minutes. So far so good. They auto-renew 5 times and then they stop, so after 25 minutes you’ll get the 21006 error. However even when repurchasing the same subscription … Read more

iPhone In App Purchase – response.products are still empty?

Another important step that is often overlooked is you need to make sure you have an iOS Paid Applications Contract setup which is located under the “Contracts, Tax, and Banking” section of iTunes connect. First you have to click on the request button, then you have to click on the 3 Set Up buttons (Contact … Read more

iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”

I had a similar situation and dumped the iPhone’s network traffic to see what’s going on. I found that the normal store was contacted instead of the sandbox. It helped to delete the app from the device, make clean and build/install it again. Apparently something with the development profile had gone wrong. Update: To dump … Read more