Supermicro IPMI and Windows Share

The error reported by the web interface is misleading – what it really wants is to have the Path to image: entry beginning with a backslash (\) so it would look like \sharename\filename.iso. The host name (or IP address) in the Share host field has to be entered without backslashes though. The share has to … Read more

Securing a SuperMicro IPMI BMC

Using /conf/crontab, as dlawson pointed out, sounds like an excellent idea to me. This allows me to run a script once a minute that ensures everything but http and ssh is shut down: /etc/init.d/cdserver stop /etc/init.d/fdserver stop /etc/init.d/cim_sfcb stop /etc/init.d/webgo stop That still leaves me with a web server with password-based access control (I can … Read more

Is it necessary to burn-in RAM for server-class hardware?

I found a document by Kingston detailing how they work with Server Memory, I believe that this process would, normally, be the same for most known manufacturers. Memory chips, as well as all semiconductor devices, follow a particular reliability/failure pattern that is known as the Bathtub Curve: Time is represented on the horizontal axis, beginning … Read more