How to create only one copy of graph in tensorboard events file with custom tf.Estimator?

You need to use the TensorBoard tool for visualizing the contents of your summary logs. The event file log can be read and use it. You can see the example from this link provides information about how to read events written to an event file. # This example supposes that the events file contains summaries … Read more

Tensorflow AUTOTUNE builds a performance model of the input pipeline and runs an optimization algorithm to find a good allocation of its CPU budget across all parameters specified as AUTOTUNE. While the input pipeline is running, tracks the time spent in each operation, so that these times can be fed into the optimization algorithm. The … Read more

How do I split Tensorflow datasets?

You may use Dataset.take() and Dataset.skip(): train_size = int(0.7 * DATASET_SIZE) val_size = int(0.15 * DATASET_SIZE) test_size = int(0.15 * DATASET_SIZE) full_dataset = full_dataset = full_dataset.shuffle() train_dataset = full_dataset.take(train_size) test_dataset = full_dataset.skip(train_size) val_dataset = test_dataset.skip(test_size) test_dataset = test_dataset.take(test_size) For more generality, I gave an example using a 70/15/15 train/val/test split but if you don’t … Read more

Tensorflow : logits and labels must have the same first dimension

The problem is in your target shape and is related to the correct choice of an appropriate loss function. you have 2 possibilities: 1. possibility: if you have 1D integer encoded target, you can use sparse_categorical_crossentropy as loss function n_class = 3 n_features = 100 n_sample = 1000 X = np.random.randint(0,10, (n_sample,n_features)) y = np.random.randint(0,n_class, … Read more with multiple inputs / outputs in Keras

I’m not using Keras but I would go with an – like: def _input_fn(): sent1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], dtype=np.int64) sent2 = np.array([20, 25, 35, 40, 600, 30, 20, 30], dtype=np.int64) sent1 = np.reshape(sent1, (8, 1, 1)) sent2 = np.reshape(sent2, (8, 1, 1)) labels = np.array([40, 30, 20, 10, … Read more