Keras uses way too much GPU memory when calling train_on_batch, fit, etc

It is a very common mistake to forget that the activations, gradients and optimizer moment tracking variables also take VRRAM, not just the parameters, increasing memory usage quite a bit. The backprob calculations themselves make it so the training phase takes almost double the VRAM of forward / inference use of the neural net, and … Read more

Activation function after pooling layer or convolutional layer?

Well, max-pooling and monotonely increasing non-linearities commute. This means that MaxPool(Relu(x)) = Relu(MaxPool(x)) for any input. So the result is the same in that case. So it is technically better to first subsample through max-pooling and then apply the non-linearity (if it is costly, such as the sigmoid). In practice it is often done the … Read more

What is the definition of a non-trainable parameter?

In keras, non-trainable parameters (as shown in model.summary()) means the number of weights that are not updated during training with backpropagation. There are mainly two types of non-trainable weights: The ones that you have chosen to keep constant when training. This means that keras won’t update these weights during training at all. The ones that … Read more

Getting gradient of model output w.r.t weights using Keras

To get the gradients of model output with respect to weights using Keras you have to use the Keras backend module. I created this simple example to illustrate exactly what to do: from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Activation from keras import backend as k model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(12, input_dim=8, init=”uniform”, activation=’relu’)) model.add(Dense(8, … Read more

How to plot a chart in the terminal

termplotlib (a small project of mine) might come in handy here. Install with pip install termplotlib and produce terminal plots like import termplotlib as tpl import numpy as np x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) y = np.sin(x) + x fig = tpl.figure() fig.plot(x, y, width=60, height=20) 7 +—————————————————+ | | 6 | ** | … Read more

How to switch Backend with Keras (from TensorFlow to Theano)

Create a .keras (note the . in front) folder in you home directory and put the keras.json file there. For example, /home/DaniPaniz/.keras/keras.json (or ~/.keras/keras.json in short) if you are on a UNIX like system (MacOS X, Linux, *BSD). On Windows you want to create the folder %USERPROFILE%/.keras and put the JSON file there. Alternatively, you … Read more