How to register a legacy typelib (.tlb) on Windows 7?

Well, I guess I can answer my own question (and for anyone else who has the same problem): Apparently, regtlibv12.exe is part of Visual Studio 2010 (contrary to what I read on various Microsoft forums), but it is located in the Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30139 folder (not the v2.0.50727 folder). Using that executable I was able to successfully … Read more

Replicating Visual Studio COM registration with a WiX Installer

You should use Heat (WIX 3.0) located in the bin directory of the version you are using. Have a look at this blog post, we use it here to register all our COM objects, by creating a wix fragment… something like heat file MyComExposedLibrary.dll -out MyComExposedLibrary.wxs After, reading your edit, I would create a basic … Read more

Generate manifest files for registration-free COM

It looks like the perfect solution does not yet exist. To summarize some research: Make My Manifest (link) This tool scans a VB6 project to look for COM dependencies, but it also supports manual declaration of late-bound COM dependencies (i.e. those used via CreateObject). Interestingly enough, this tool puts all information about the dependencies inside … Read more