datacenter UPS electronics/chassis expected lifetime

How long should the electronics/relays/etc in an line-interactive UPS last? You will find it difficult to get an answer to this question because it depends on too many factors. Quality of components used in the UPS, the quality of the manufacturing process, shipping/storage between factory and consumer, handling during installation, environment differences (temperature, airflow, input … Read more

Sysadmin in the Developing World: What are the differences between various kinds of power protection?

UPS equipment The UPSs will have some power filtering built in – check the spec with the manufacturer. If your standby generator is upstream of the UPS it should not adversely affect the quality of power coming from the UPS. If you want to buy new UPS equipment, consider looking at hardware that will take … Read more

Is there any value in protecting both rack power feeds with their own UPS?

Answers to this may vary. But I actually work in warehousing and logistics environments, and I’ll typically plan new server rooms to have a high capacity central UPS (6kVA or more), usually an online (double-conversion) model. Devices of this tier have UPS management interfaces, so it makes sense to tie those in to SNMP and … Read more