ASP.NET MVC Url Route supporting (dot)

Add a UrlRoutingHandler to the web.config. This requires your url to be a bit more specific however (f.e. /Users/john.lee). This forces every url starting with /Users to be treated as a MVC url: <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name=”UrlRoutingHandler” type=”System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingHandler, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a” path=”/Users/*” verb=”GET”/> </handlers> </system.webServer>

Flask and React routing

We used catch-all URLs for this. from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route(“”, defaults={‘path’: ”}) @app.route(‘/<path:path>’) def catch_all(path): return ‘You want path: %s’ % path if __name__ == ‘__main__’: You can also go an extra mile and reuse the Flask routing system to match path to the same routes as client so you … Read more

Angular2 router VS ui-router-ng2 VS ngrx router

General information NGRX Router docs ngrx router is Deprecated! There is migration strategy from ngrx router to the standard Angular2 Router. Angular2 Router docs Default solution from Angular team Was inspired by UI-router from AngularJS Built for components Angular2 Router has almost all UI-router features. NG2 UI-router docs Well known UI-router from AngularJS updated for … Read more

Using routes in Express-js

So, after I created my question, I got this related list on the right with a similar issue: Organize routes in Node.js. The answer in that post linked to the Express repo on GitHub and suggests to look at the ‘route-separation‘ example. This helped me change my code, and I now have it working. – … Read more

AngularJS – Animate ng-view transitions

Angularjs 1.1.4 has now introduced the ng-animate directive to help animating different elements, in particular ng-view. You can also watch the video about this new featue UPDATE as of angularjs 1.2, the way animations work has changed drastically, most of it is now controlled with CSS, without having to setup javascript callbacks, etc.. You can … Read more