FTP Error 530, User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible

It’s not clear to me from reading your post and the link you provided as to whether or not you’re using user isolation. My suggestion would be to determine whether or not you want to use user isolation or not and then start from scratch. Here’s a link that may help: http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/305/configuring-ftp-75-user-isolation/

Create SSH user with limited privileges to only use Git repository

You might consider using gitolite under a single user instead of setting up multiple git-shell users (and the required group and group permissions so they can share access to the repositories). gitolite runs under a single, normal user on the server and uses SSH public keys to differentiate access to Git repositories (see “how gitolite … Read more

Managing access to multiple linux system

FreeIPA is probably what you’re looking for. It’s to Linux what Active Directory is to Windows. (It can also talk to AD if you have a heterogeneous environment, but shouldn’t be used to manage Windows machines directly. Use AD for that.) Red Hat’s documentation (they call it Identity Management) is very thorough and easy to … Read more

How do you tell if a user is “allowed to log in” on Linux?

A lot of this depends on your definition of “log in” — technically any user who exists in /etc/passwd & /etc/shadow is a “valid user” and could theoretically log in under the right set of circumstances. The methods you’re talking about fall into the following broad categories: Users with “locked” accounts in /etc/shadow A user … Read more

Adding an existing user to a group with puppet

If you declare users as virtual resources , you can then use ‘realize’ or the collection syntax ( User <| … |>). Here’s an example: @user { ‘foo’: groups => [‘somegroup’], membership => minimum, } Then realize that virtual user with then collection syntax: User <| title == foo |> And elsewhere you can add … Read more