Visual Studio 2015 diagnostics tool does not support current debugging configuration

So I resolved my issue. The Diagnostic Tools window currently does not support: Windows Store projects that are using JavaScript Windows Store projects that are running on a Windows Phone Debugging with Use Managed or Native Compatibility Mode In my case I had ‘Use Managed Compatibility Mode’ enabled. To change this go to the following … Read more

Error: You are debugging a Release build of X.dll

Disable this option under Debug->Options->Suppress JIT optimization on module load (Managed only). A connect report submitted before: Please also make sure that all projects are in debug mode, Optimize code was unchecked like this case: VS2015 Project no longer runs in debug mode

Visual Studio: Debugging a referenced DLL, I have source in another SLN

Rebuild the second solution in Debug mode on your own machine (so that file paths in that PDB are specific to your machine). Copy both the .DLL and .PDB files to your references folder. Visual Studio will pick up the .PDB file automatically and use the file paths to show source. You can also use … Read more

Connecting to Visual Studio debugging IIS Express server over the lan

Update I made a video that better describes the process, If you are using Visual Studio 2013 or above, make sure you run it as an administrator for this to work. Open the %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config (in VS2015 it may be $(solutionDir)\.vs\config\applicationhost.config) file. Inside you should see something like this: <site name=”WebSite1″ id=”1″ serverAutoStart=”true”> <application … Read more