How to programmatically fill input elements built with React?

This accepted solution appears not to work in React > 15.6 (including React 16) as a result of changes to de-dupe input and change events. You can see the React discussion here: And the suggested workaround here: Reproduced here for convenience: Instead of input.value=”foo”; input.dispatchEvent(new Event(‘input’, {bubbles: true})); You would use function setNativeValue(element, … Read more

how to totally ignore ‘debugger’ statement in chrome?

To totally ignore all breakpoints in Chrome, you must do as follows: Open your page in the Chrome browser. Press F12 or right-click on the page and select Inspect. In the Source panel, press Ctrl+F8 to deactivate all breakpoints. (or: At the top-right corner, select deactivate breakpoints.) All breakpoints and debugger statements will be deactivated. … Read more

how to filter duplicate requests based on url in scrapy

You can write custom middleware for duplicate removal and add it in settings import os from scrapy.dupefilter import RFPDupeFilter class CustomFilter(RFPDupeFilter): “””A dupe filter that considers specific ids in the url””” def __getid(self, url): mm = url.split(“&refer”)[0] #or something like that return mm def request_seen(self, request): fp = self.__getid(request.url) if fp in self.fingerprints: return True … Read more

Automated link-checker for system testing [closed]

We use and really like Linkchecker: It’s open-source, Python, command-line, internally deployable, and outputs to a variety of formats. The developer has been very helpful when we’ve contacted him with issues. We have a Ruby script that queries our database of internal websites, kicks off LinkChecker with appropriate parameters for each site, and parses … Read more

Detecting honest web crawlers

You said matching the user agent on ‘bot’ may be awkward, but we’ve found it to be a pretty good match. Our studies have shown that it will cover about 98% of the hits you receive. We also haven’t come across any false positive matches yet either. If you want to raise this up to … Read more

Node.JS: How to pass variables to asynchronous callbacks? [duplicate]

Your url variable is not scoped to the for loop as JavaScript only supports global and function scoping. So you need to create a function scope for your request call to capture the url value in each iteration of the loop by using an immediate function: var links = [‘’, ‘’]; for (link in links) … Read more