Deploying ASP.NET MVC4 App to GoDaddy Compiler issue

I have struggled with the same problem for months. And finally solved it. In the plesk on godaddy I changed the ASP.Net settings. First changed CAS-trustlevel to Full. Then I changed in the Web.config of my project the following: Add trust level full to the system.web Remove the compilers in the system.codecom <system.web> compilation debug=”true” … Read more

Can I host my wordpress blog on github pages as a static webpage

This website gives a good answer on how to do this: In short: Set-up GitHub pages. Install Simply static plugin into WordPress. Push the export from the plug-in back to your git repository and you are done!

Difference between web server, application server and database server

This often gets confusing. Firstly – “Server” can refer to a physical thing (a computer), or a logical thing (a piece of software). Web, application and database server software can all run on the same physical server machine, or be distributed across multiple physical machines. Most large websites have multiple machines; most “consumer” hosting packages … Read more