What are the implications of exceeding 4 GB in a Windows Event Log?

Other than the awful performance and ridiculous wait times when you have to load a 4 GB log and the hell it will be if you ever have to search through such a monstrous thing, not much. I think the largest one I’ve seen in my environments was 10 GB, and although I gave up … Read more

What time zone is displayed in windows event logs? When viewing saved log from another machine?

All times displayed for event log events are computed as offsets to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). When you set the time on your system, you are setting the value for GMT. When you select your local time zone for the system, the appropriate number of hours are added or subtracted to the stored GMT value. … Read more

Event 4625 Audit Failure NULL SID failed network logons

This Event is usually caused by a stale hidden credential. Try this from the system giving the error: From a command prompt run: psexec -i -s -d cmd.exe From the new cmd window run: rundll32 keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr Remove any items that appear in the list of Stored User Names and Passwords. Restart the computer.

How do I passively monitor the Windows Event Log?

Windows Server has a built in SNMP trap generator for the Windows Event Log/Viewer, which can send traps on the occurrence of arbitrary events. Trap Form (OID) These traps will conform to the Microsoft private enterprise MIB branch in the following form:… Each “n” is a decimal encoding of an ASCII character octet from … Read more

How can I remove specific events from the event log in Windows Server 2008?

Microsoft purposely prevents you from doing this. The whole concept of the Event Viewer is to present to you certain events that may require your attention. If one could go in and delete any random event, then the system could – in a sense – be compromised without you knowing, therefore making it unsafe. If … Read more

Where/how does Windows store the data in the event logs?

With Windows 2000/Server2003/Windows XP, the logs are stored in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Config directory, with an .evt extension. With Server 2008/Vista and up, the log are stored in the %SystemRoot%\system32\winevt\logs directory, and have an .evtx extension. It’s possible to convert old .evt files to the newer .evtx format Within the Computer Manager you can also export them … Read more