What is NSFaceIDUsageDescription – Face ID Usage Description Info.plist key?

Now further explained in the above mentioned forum (by an Apple employee) https://forums.developer.apple.com/message/265156: Face ID requires adding a usage string with the key NSFaceIDUsageDescription (aka Privacy – Face ID Usage Description) to your app’s Info.plist. In the simulator, the Face ID permissions alert will show “This app was designed to use Touch ID and may … Read more

How can I get full-resolution screenshots when the Simulator’s “Pixel Accurate” option is disabled?

The original answer is wrong! Russ from the Apple Simulator team says: To take app store screenshots uncheck the “Optimize rendering for Window Scale” option in the Debug menu. I recommend turning this back on normally as it improves rendering performance. Double-clicking does not make the device use native resolution, that’s just an accident due … Read more

100+ “Class implemented in both MapKit and VectorKit” warnings with Xcode 9.0.1 and above

This is actually a bug in the current iOS Framework and has nothing to do with anything in your app, module cache, libraries, etc. The reason this appears to be non deterministic is that it is only there when the Accessibility Layer is active, which it isn’t on the simulator, except under very specific circumstances. … Read more