What is Cloud computing? [closed]

First, to get this out of the way: Cloud Computing is a marketing buzzword and ill-defined one (at least at the moment). I would recommend dissecting this overarching buzzword and in market segments, namely: IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service (e.g. Amazon EC2) Paas: Platform as a Service (e.g. Google AppEngine) DaaS: Database as a Service … Read more

Difference between cloud computing and distributed computing? [closed]

In my mind what defines cloud computing is that the underlying compute resources (storage, processors, RAM, load balancers, etc) of cloud-based services and software are entirely abstracted from the consumer of the software / services. This means that the vendor of cloud based resources is taking responsibility for the performance / reliability / scalability of … Read more

What is the difference between Cloud Computing and Grid Computing? [closed]

Grid computing is where more than one computer coordinates to solve a problem together. Often used for problems involving a lot of number crunching, which can be easily parallelisable. Cloud computing is where an application doesn’t access resources it requires directly, rather it accesses them through something like a service. So instead of talking to … Read more

Why use a print server?

You don’t really need a print server in your situation, given the small number of printers you’ve described. You’ve justified it yourself. Nobody is forcing you to use one 🙂 But in general, people use print servers to streamline client deployment, offer central management and to ease print driver maintenance. It’s all about scale.

Which cloud services will be around in 2015? [closed]

It doesn’t matter what is going to be around in 2015. Nobody can predict future but you shouldn’t buy into proprietary platforms that are offered by single vendor. Amazon EC2 is good candidate to deploy your application on because Amazon compatible services can be easily provided by other companies as well. Even if you will … Read more

How to distribute torrent files?

Not knowing what exactly your problem is, I can recommend pscp from parallel-ssh as a tool to upload small files to multiple servers. You prepare a list of servers to upload to and let it know what to take locally and where to put it remotely. For example: $ pscp -h list-of-servers file.torrent /tmp/ [1] … Read more

What are the benefits of running chef-server instead of chef-solo?

I am going to orient this answer as if the question was “what are the advantages of chef-solo” because that’s the best way I know to cover the differences between the approaches. My summary recommendation is in line with others: use a chef-server if you need to manage a dynamic, virtualized environment where you will … Read more