Wildcard subdomains with dnsmasq

While the accepted answer may have solved the author’s problem, it is misleading as it suggests that the leading dot would match subdomains only, which is not true. dnsmasq ignores any leading dots, so that address=/domain.tld/ is equivalent to address=/.domain.tld/ or even address=/……domain.tld/ As of now (dnsmasq v2.76), there is unfortunately no way to specify … Read more

Reverse ip, find domain names on ip address

You can use nslookup on the IP. Reverse DNS is defined with the .in-addr.arpa domain. Example: nslookup somedomain.com yields, and then you do: nslookup this will ask and yield the domain name (if there is one defined for reverse DNS).

How do I solve the “server DNS address could not be found” error on Windows 10? [closed]

There might be a problem with your DNS servers of the ISP. A computer by default uses the ISP’s DNS servers. You can manually configure your DNS servers. It is free and usually better than your ISP. Go to Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Centre Click on Change Adapter settings. … Read more

Why does Microsoft Edge open some local websites, but not others, where the domain name is routed to in hosts file

Your network can block loopback as a security measure in Windows 10. Open a command prompt as administrator, and run this to exempt Edge from a loopback: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=”Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe” (Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe is the identifier for the Edge app) There’s a blog post here giving more detail: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/msgulfcommunity/2015/07/01/how-to-debug-localhost-on-microsoft-edge/

How to reach docker containers by name instead of IP address?

Docker 1.10 has a built in DNS. If your containers are connected to the same user defined network (create a network docker network create my-network and run your container with –net my-network) they can reference each other using the container name. (Docs). Cool! One caveat if you are using Docker compose you know that it … Read more

Can I configure a subdomain to point to a specific port on my server

If you have access to SRV Records, you can use them to get what you want 🙂 E.G A Records Name: mc1.domain.example Value: <yourIP> Name: mc2.domain.example Value: <yourIP> SRV Records Name: _minecraft._tcp.mc1.domain.example Priority: 5 Weight: 5 Port: 25565 Value: mc1.domain.example Name: _minecraft._tcp.mc2.domain.example Priority: 5 Weight: 5 Port: 25566 Value: mc2.domain.example then in minecraft you can … Read more

Is it ok to remove Google TXT verification records after I’ve authorized my domain with Google? [closed]

No, you shouldn’t remove any of the verification files or DNS records. Google will periodically recheck your site and if it doesn’t succeed you will lose access to WMT, for example. See this WMT support page: Removing the record from your server can cause your site to become unverified, and you will need to go … Read more