jQuery .each() returns DOM element and not a jQuery object

The documention is not wrong but you may misunderstand what a jQuery object is. The jQuery object is returned by the $() function. So $(“span[id$=’_TotalItemCost’]”) is one jQuery object which contains every span element selected. Using .each() will iterate over the elements contained in the jQuery object. This is why this is a DOM node … Read more

Angular 2 @ViewChild returns undefined

Try using a ref in your template instead: <div id=’gallery-container’ #galleryContainer class=”gallery-image-container”> <div class=”gallery-padding”></div> <img class=”gallery-image” src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39256703/{{ coverPhotoVm }}” /> <img class=”gallery-image” src=”{{ imagepath }}” *ngFor=”let imagepath of imagesVm” /> </div> And use the ref name as the argument: @ViewChild(‘galleryContainer’) galleryContainer: ElementRef; EDIT Forgot to mention that any view child thus declared is only available … Read more

JavaScript DOM object to jQuery object

var $this = $(myObject); $this is a jQuery object. You can create jQuery objects from DOM elements. <tr onclick=”changeStatus(this)”> function changeStatus(myObject) { $(myObject).removeClass(); } I would like to recommend doing your event binding with jQuery as well: <tr class=”change-status”> $(‘.change-status’).on(‘click’, function () { $(this).removeClass( … ); }); This is nice because now all the JS … Read more

CSS3 – Transition on DOM Removal

Create another CSS animation called fadeOut, say. Then when you want to remove the element, change the animation property on the element to that new animation, and use the animationend event to trigger the actual removal of the element once the animation is done: $(‘.hide’).click(function() { if (!$(this).hasClass(‘disabled’)) { $(‘#fill’).css(‘-webkit-animation’, ‘fadeOut 500ms’); $(‘#fill’).bind(‘webkitAnimationEnd’,function(){ $(‘#fill’).remove(); $(‘.show, … Read more

What is DOM element?

Document object model. The DOM is the way Javascript sees its containing pages’ data. It is an object that includes how the HTML/XHTML/XML is formatted, as well as the browser state. A DOM element is something like a DIV, HTML, BODY element on a page. You can add classes to all of these using CSS, … Read more