How do you namespace a Dart class?

Dart doesn’t have the concept of namespaces, but instead it has libraries. You can consider a library to be sort of equivalent to a namespace, in that a library can be made of multiple files, and contain multiple classes and functions. Privacy in Dart is also at the library, rather than the class level (anything … Read more

What are common conventions for using namespaces in Clojure?

I guess it’s ok if you think it helps, but many Clojure projects don’t do so — cf. Compojure (using a top-level compojure ns and various compojure.* ns’s for specific functionality), Ring, Leiningen… Clojure itself uses clojure.* (and clojure.contrib.* for contrib libraries), but that’s a special case, I suppose. Yes! You absolutely must do so, … Read more

Splitting a Clojure namespace over multiple files

Overview Certainly you can, in fact clojure.core namespace itself is split up this way and provides a good model which you can follow by looking in src/clj/clojure: core.clj core_deftype.clj core_print.clj core_proxy.clj ..etc.. All these files participate to build up the single clojure.core namespace. Primary File One of these is the primary file, named to match … Read more