Redmine and Scrum [closed]

Thought I’d make mention of the Redmine Backlogs plugin again. It’s been getting some TLC lately. product backlog view, taskboard view, real-time updates, reports, task colors unique to the user’s preference, etc.

is there an autosave function/plugin for notepad++?

You can find a Notepad++ plugin called AutoSave for autosaving your files here: (Used to link to but that’s no longer online, cached version is still available here) It autosaves every minute, but it’s configurable, and allows you to choose to save only the current document or all open documents.

How to install a Emacs plugin (many times it’s a .el file) on Windows platform?

After placing it, say myplugin.el to your ~/.emacs.d/ directory, add the following in your .emacs file: (add-to-list ‘load-path “~/.emacs.d/”) (load “myplugin.el”) Also, in many cases you would need the following instead of the second line: (require ‘myplugin) In any case, you should consult the documentation of the package you are trying to install on which … Read more

How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Here are the steps that worked for me: Download the plugin and extract the plugin dll file. Place the plugin.dll file under plugin folder of notepad++ installation. For me it was : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins Start Notepad++ as an elevated administrator and then go to: Settings -> Import -> Import plugin(s)… (import the plugin). Notepad++ will … Read more