Flutter Redirect to a page on initState

Try wrapping your Navigator call: Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(“login”); in a callback that is scheduled with addPostFrameCallback: SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(“login”); }); You’ll need this import at the top of your file: import ‘package:flutter/scheduler.dart’; As an alternative, consider if you could just have MyHomePage‘s build() method return a LoginPage instead of a Scaffold if the user isn’t logged in. … Read more

Nesting routes with flutter

While it’s technically possible to nest “Navigator”, this is unrecommended here (as it breaks Hero animation) You can use onGenerateRoute to build nested ‘routes’, in the case of a route ‘/dashboard/profile’, build a Tree WidgetApp > Dashboard > Profile. Which I assume is what you’re trying to achieve. Combined with a higher order function, you … Read more

Difference between message bus and message broker

The message bus implies a common protocol spoken and understood by all participants. There is little to no logic in the bus. Usually the message is forwarded to all connected systems. The hub-and-spoke architecture (or “message broker”) has a central piece of software which understands the messages sent to it, can translate them, and forward … Read more