Is there any way to view whitespace in the query editor for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005?

In case you still need to know how to do this. Edit the Registry Key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER: Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\xx\Tools\Shell\Text Editor\Visible Whitespace Where xx is the version you have (90 is 2005, 100 is 2008) And set it to 1 to show. Or for SQL Server 2012 and up client tools it is also in … Read more

Row_Number() with union query

Try this: SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Id) ROW_NUM FROM ( select Id, VersionNumber from documents where id=5 Union all select Id, VersionNumber from versions where id=5 ) a order by VersionNumber desc TO filter by version number 5 use: SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, Row_number() OVER(ORDER BY versionnumber DESC, id) row_num FROM (SELECT id, … Read more