What are cross-browser and cross-OS safe keyboard shortcuts usable for web application?

I wouldn’t count on it. It’s probably okay to listen for shortcuts that use the Alt modifier, but there’s still no way to be sure a keyboard shortcut is free. Users can always install programs that listen for keyboard shortcuts, or use a browser you didn’t expect. If the shortcuts can be used only when … Read more

How can I develop a LAMP web application using Docker, Puppet and Vagrant?

Should there be separate Docker containers for the web server (such as Apache), the database server (such as MySQL) and each part of the web application? There is no correct answer to that question. If you will be using Docker in production, then try to run your Docker containers in your development environment as they … Read more

When to use “client-side routing” or “server-side routing”?

tl;dr: with server-side routing you download an entire new webpage whenever you click on a link, with client-side routing the webapp downloads, processes and displays new data for you. Imagine the user clicking on a simple link: <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/hello”>Hello!</a> On a webapp that uses server side routing: The browser detects that the user has clicked … Read more

What is web.xml file and what are all things can I do with it?

What is web.xml file and what all things can I do with it ? The /WEB-INF/web.xml file is the Web Application Deployment Descriptor of your application. This file is an XML document that defines everything about your application that a server needs to know (except the context path, which is assigned by the Application Deployer … Read more

Performing a Stress Test on Web Application?

Here’s another vote for JMeter. JMeter is an open-source load testing tool, written in Java. It’s capable of testing a number of different server types (for example, web, web services, database, just about anything that uses requests basically). It does however have a steep learning curve once you start getting to complicated tests, but it’s … Read more