Windows Server 2012 R2 prevent automatic logoff due to inactivity

In brief Unlock/turn on console log display off timeout feature in Power Option Set timeout to 0 to turn it off. Detail Steps Unlocked the missing Power Settings feature in Server 2012. Open the following registry key – HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSettings\7516b95f-f776-4464-8c53-06167f40cc99\8EC4B3A5-6868-48c2-BE75-4F3044BE88A7 Set the following value – Attributes => 2 Now open Control Panel>Power Options>Change Plan Settings>Change Advanced … Read more

dcomcnfg – Can’t set Launch and Activation Permissions – Windows Server 2012

From this blog post, Look for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{APPID-GUID}. That should tell you the name of the offending COM component. All you have to do now is go back to the Component Services snapin, find the name of that component, go the security properties of it, and edit the security ACL of that component such that what … Read more

Can I disable WSD (Web Services for Devices) on Server 2012/R2? How?

I’m afraid there is no “Off”-switch for WSD specifically for Printer discovery in Windows Server As an alternative to disabling the “Function Discovery Provider Host” service, you could change the following outbound rules’ Action to Deny, in the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security: This will specifically block WSD and WSDAPI discovery events If your print … Read more

Solidworks: activation license mode is not supported in this virtual environment (Qemu-KVM)

Most current hypervisors that run on Intel hardware use CPUID leaves 0x40000000 et seq. to pass information about the hypervisor from host to guest. KVM, Xen, VMware and Hyper-V all use this method. This is in addition to the hypervisor feature flag set in CPUID leaf 0x1, which indicates that the machine is a virtual … Read more

Using icacls to list ownership of directories

At the risk of shamelessly rep-whoring, here’s a batch file that will return any directories that name `BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS” with “Full Control” permission (with object and container inherit enabled): @echo off for /f “usebackq delims=” %%i in (`dir /ad /s /b`) do call :df “%%i” goto :EOF :df icacls %1 | find /i “BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)(F)” >NUL 2>NUL … Read more

How can I tell if I have Windows 2012 R2 (vs the ‘R1′ original release’)?

Drop into a command prompt and issue either of the following commands; systeminfo | findstr OS Or winver You can then use this table to determine the version; Operating System Version Which shows: Operating system Version number Windows 8.1 6.3* Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3* Windows 8 6.2 Windows Server 2012 6.2 Windows 7 6.1 … Read more