Two variables in Python have same id, but not lists or tuples

Immutable objects don’t have the same id, and as a matter of fact this is not true for any type of objects that you define separately. Generally speaking, every time you define an object in Python, you’ll create a new object with a new identity. However, for the sake of optimization (mostly) there are some exceptions for small integers (between -5 and 256) and interned strings, with a special length –usually less than 20 characters–* which are singletons and have the same id (actually one object with multiple pointers). You can check this like following:

>>> 30 is (20 + 10)
>>> 300 is (200 + 100)
>>> 'aa' * 2 is 'a' * 4
>>> 'aa' * 20 is 'a' * 40

And for a custom object:

>>> class A:
...    pass
>>> A() is A() # Every time you create an instance you'll have a new instance with new identity

Also note that the is operator will check the object’s identity, not the value. If you want to check the value you should use ==:

>>> 300 == 3*100

And since there is no such optimizational or interning rule for tuples or any mutable type for that matter, if you define two same tuples in any size they’ll get their own identities, hence different objects:

>>> a = (1,)
>>> b = (1,)
>>> a is b

It’s also worth mentioning that rules of “singleton integers” and “interned strings” are true even when they’ve been defined within an iterator.

>>> a = (100, 700, 400)
>>> b = (100, 700, 400)
>>> a[0] is b[0]
>>> a[1] is b[1]

* A good and detailed article on this:

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