Use of bitwise ‘|’ with boolean operands | XCode 14.3 fails builds using react-native Yoga [closed]

I resolved it by putting 2 Vertical bars || instead of one | in the code where it is failing.

Then cleared the build and it is working fine now on XCode 14.3. I Hope this helps someone.


Above one is temporary solution.
By using following solution we do not need to make change on every npm installation. It is suggested by @Carl G. @Mykola Odnosumov ‘s Solution in this thread is also helpful, it is similar solution.
Thank you @Carl G and @Mykola Odnosumov

  1. install patch-package
  2. Modify the source code like this commit 52d8a79
  3. run npx patch-package react-native
  4. commit your changes. Done.

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