Using @functools.lru_cache with dictionary arguments

Instead of using a custom hashable dictionary, use this and avoid reinventing the wheel! It’s a frozen dictionary that’s all hashable.


from frozendict import frozendict

def freezeargs(func):
    """Transform mutable dictionnary
    Into immutable
    Useful to be compatible with cache

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        args = tuple([frozendict(arg) if isinstance(arg, dict) else arg for arg in args])
        kwargs = {k: frozendict(v) if isinstance(v, dict) else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapped

and then

def func(...):

Code taken from @fast_cen ‘s answer

Note: this does not work on recursive datastructures; for example, you might have an argument that’s a list, which is unhashable. You are invited to make the wrapping recursive, such that it goes deep into the data structure and makes every dict frozen and every list tuple.

(I know that OP nolonger wants a solution, but I came here looking for the same solution, so leaving this for future generations)

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