Using Yubikey for sudo over SSH session

There is pam_ssh_agent_auth, which does exactly what you need. This package is available for both Fedora and RHEL so the process of setting up and installing is very straight-forward:

yum install pam_ssh_agent_auth

Add to your /etc/sudoers:

Defaults    env_keep += \"SSH_AUTH_SOCK\"

Put your ssh-public key to /etc/security/authorized_keys (get it from yubikey for example using ssh-keygen -D /usr/lib64/pkcs11/

Add a line to the start of /etc/pam.d/sudo:

auth       sufficient

Then you just add the pkcs11 library to your ssh-agent and you can run sudo without password (authenticating using key on the token):

ssh-add -s /usr/lib64/pkcs11/
sudo -i

This process is also described in the manual page for pam_ssh_agent_auth.

Note that the keys on the yubikey needs to be generated before, but this is described in the Yubico documentation already.

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