What is the worst programming language you ever worked with? [closed]

PHP (In no particular order)

  • Inconsistent function names and argument orders
    • Because there are a zillion functions, each one of which seems to use a different naming convention and argument order. “Lets see… is it foo_bar or foobar or fooBar… and is it needle, haystack or haystack, needle?” The PHP string functions are a perfect example of this. Half of them use str_foo and the other half use strfoo.
  • Non-standard date format characters
    • Take j for example
      • In UNIX (which, by the way, is what everyone else uses as a guide for date string formats) %j returns the day of the year with leading zeros.
      • In PHP’s date function j returns the day of the month without leading zeros.
  • Still No Support for Apache 2.0 MPM
    • It’s not recommended.
    • Why isn’t this supported? “When you make the underlying framework more complex by not having completely separate execution threads, completely separate memory segments and a strong sandbox for each request to play in, feet of clay are introduced into PHP’s system.” Link So… it’s not supported ’cause it makes things harder? ‘Cause only the things that are easy are worth doing right? (To be fair, as Emil H pointed out, this is generally attributed to bad 3rd-party libs not being thread-safe, whereas the core of PHP is.)
  • No native Unicode support
    • Native Unicode support is slated for PHP6
    • I’m sure glad that we haven’t lived in a global environment where we might have need to speak to people in other languages for the past, oh 18 years. Oh wait. (To be fair, the fact that everything doesn’t use Unicode in this day and age really annoys me. My point is I shouldn’t have to do any extra work to make Unicode happen. This isn’t only a PHP problem.)

I have other beefs with the language. These are just some.
Jeff Atwood has an old post about why PHP sucks. He also says it doesn’t matter. I don’t agree but there we are.

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