Why does an overridden get-only property stay null when set in base class constructor?

The compiler treats this as below; basically, the code in the constructor writes to the original backing field, in TestBase. It seems that yours is not a supported scenario, but… I do wonder whether the language team have considered this case.

BTW: if you ever want to see what the compiler does with code: sharplab.io

public class TestBase
    private readonly string <ReadOnly>k__BackingField; // note: not legal in "real" C#

    public virtual string ReadOnly
            return <ReadOnly>k__BackingField; // the one in TestBase

    public TestBase()
        <ReadOnly>k__BackingField = "from base";
internal class Test : TestBase
    private readonly string <ReadOnly>k__BackingField;

    public override string ReadOnly
            return <ReadOnly>k__BackingField; // the one in Test

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