How to resume review process after updating pull request at GitHub?

2 years and a half years later, (February 2019), do check if the new button “Re-request review” would help.

As illustrated on twitter, if your PR was already reviewed, but now itโ€™s time for round 2: With fresh eyes and fresh code, re-request a review ๐Ÿ”ƒ

Re-Request a review

Note/caveat: (from “Requesting a pull request review“)

Pull request authors can’t request reviews unless they are either a repository owner or collaborator with write access to the repository.

As noted in the comments by gertvdijk:

I am a contributor on the project and the owner of the PR.
It does not make sense to me that I need to be a collaborator on the project to request a re-review?

Oh, wow, it’s by design that PR authors can’t use this feature?
Damn, that’s very much killing the whole feature.

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