How can I run two isolated installations of Homebrew?

Install Homebrew natively on Apple Silicon (will install to /opt/homebrew by default): /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” Install Intel-emulated Homebrew (will install to /usr/local by default): arch –x86_64 /bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL” If you haven’t yet installed Rosetta 2, you’ll need to run softwareupdate –install-rosetta first. Create an alias for Intel homebrew. I’m calling … Read more

How can I install GRPCIO on an Apple M1 Silicon laptop?

This seems to work well, do the following in the terminal export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_OPENSSL=1 export GRPC_PYTHON_BUILD_SYSTEM_ZLIB=1 And then install whatever package that you wanted to install, in my case I was trying to install firebase admin and I had to run the following pip install firebase-admin Or just run the below command if you just want … Read more

Xcode error ‘building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS .. for architecture arm64’ from Apple Silicon M1 Mac

Answering my own question in a hope to help others who are having similar problems. (and until a good answer is added from another user) I found out that GoogleWebRTC actually requires its source to be compiled with x64 based on its source depo. For builds targeting iOS devices, this should be set to either … Read more

My fish is blind? (fish does not recognise any commands after setting it as default shell on Mac OS Big Sur, M1 Mac)

Here are the steps I used to setup the fish shell on my M1 MacBook Air. Per the comments on the question, the key to solving the Unknown Command issue is the fish_add_path: $ brew install fish ​ $ fish $ fish_add_path /opt/homebrew/bin $ echo “/opt/homebrew/bin/fish” | sudo tee -a /etc/shells $ chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish

Android Studio: “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_30 has terminated.” on MacBook Pro M1 (Apple Silicon)

It would seem due to the fact you are using a beta version of android studio the message “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_30 was killed.” has been changed to “The emulator process for AVD Pixel_2_API_30 has terminated.” but fundamentally they should still have the same solutions the most common solution being: “All of the … Read more

Fixing zsh command not found: brew? (installing Homebrew)

cd /opt/homebrew/bin/ PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin cd touch .zshrc echo export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin >> .zshrc Run the commands in that order in terminal, you’ll be editing the path and creating the missing .zshrc file, exporting the path to this new file. Now you should be able to use: brew doctor It should say: “Your system is ready to brew.”