How do I Install JBoss AS / WildFly Server in Eclipse for Java EE

Install the most recent JBoss Tools. Go to Help > Install New Software. Set Work with to the following URL depending on Eclipse version: 4.8+ (Photon): 4.7 (Oxygen): 4.6 (Neon): 4.5 (Mars): 4.4 (Luna): 4.3 (Kepler): 4.2 (Juno): 3.7 (Indigo): 3.6 (Helios): Press Enter In the … Read more

Jetty, Tomcat, Nginx, Geronimo, Glassfish: I’m confused

Jetty and Tomcat are web-containers, while Geronimo, Glassfish and JBoss support the whole J2EE stack (more or less). And, tataaa, they use/include Tomcat or Jetty for web-containers. The most important part of a fullblown J2EE server besides the web-container used to be the EJB-container allowing for deployment of EJBs, having them run in a transactional … Read more

Tomcat is web server or application server? [closed]

Tomcat is a web server (can handle HTTP requests/responses) and web container (implements Java Servlet API, also called servletcontainer) in one. Some may call it an application server, but it is definitely not an fullfledged Java EE application server (it does not implement the whole Java EE API). See also: What exactly is Java EE? … Read more

Difference between web server, web container and application server

Your question is similar to below: What is the difference between application server and web server? In Java: Web Container or Servlet Container or Servlet Engine : is used to manage the components like Servlets, JSP. It is a part of the web server. Web Server or HTTP Server: A server which is capable of … Read more

Difference between an application server and a servlet container?

A servlet-container supports only the servlet API (including JSP, JSTL). An application server supports the whole JavaEE – EJB, JMS, CDI, JTA, the servlet API (including JSP, JSTL), etc. It is possible to run most of the JavaEE technologies on a servlet-container, but you have to install a standalone implementation of the particular technology.

Securing a fresh Ubuntu server [closed]

I can’t think of any Ubuntu-specific tweaks, but here’s a few that apply to all distributions: Uninstall all unnecessary packages Use public-key only authentication in SSH Disable root logins via SSH (doesn’t apply to Ubuntu) Use the production settings for PHP (php.ini-recommended) Configure MySQL to use sockets only Of course this list isn’t complete, and … Read more

What is the difference between application server and web server?

Most of the times these terms Web Server and Application server are used interchangeably. Following are some of the key differences in features of Web Server and Application Server: Web Server is designed to serve HTTP Content. App Server can also serve HTTP Content but is not limited to just HTTP. It can be provided … Read more