Spring Boot Unit Test Autowired

Since SpringBoot 1.4, all the classes changed and deprecated https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/wiki/Spring-Boot-1.4.0-M2-Release-Notes. Replace the Runner and Configuration with the ones below. SpringRunner will detect the test framework for you. @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = { FileService.class, AppProperties.class, DownloadConfigEventHandler.class }) @EnableConfigurationProperties public class ConfigMatrixDownloadAndProcessingIntegrationTests extends ConfigMatrixDownloadAbstractTest { // @Service FileService @Autowired private FileService fileService; // @Configuration AppProperties @Autowired private AppProperties … Read more

Spring autowire a list

Spring 4 and older support the ability to automatically collect all beans of a given type and inject them into a collection or array. Here is an example: @Component public class Car implements Vehicle { } @Component public class Bus implements Vehicle { } @Component public class User { @Autowired List<Vehicle> vehicles; // contains both … Read more

Spring Autowiring class vs. interface?

Normally, both will work, you can autowire interfaces or classes. There’s probably an autoproxy generator somewhere in your context, which is wrapping your boo bean in a generated proxy object. This proxy object will implement TheInterface, but will not be a TheClass. When using autoproxies, you need to program to the interface, not the implementation. … Read more

Using @Spy and @Autowired together

I know about these two options: Use @SpyBean annotation from spring-boot-test as the only annotation @Autowired @InjectMocks private ProductController productController; @SpyBean private ProductService productServiceSpy; Use Java reflection to “autowire” the spy object, e.g. ReflectionTestUtils @Autowired private ProductController productController; @Autowired private ProductService productService; @Before public void setUp() { ProductService productServiceSpy = Mockito.spy(productService); ReflectionTestUtils.setField(productController, “productService”, productServiceSpy); }

Injection of autowired dependencies failed;

The error shows that com.bd.service.ArticleService is not a registered bean. Add the packages in which you have beans that will be autowired in your application context: <context:component-scan base-package=”com.bd.service”/> <context:component-scan base-package=”com.bd.controleur”/> Alternatively, if you want to include all subpackages in com.bd: <context:component-scan base-package=”com.bd”> <context:include-filter type=”aspectj” expression=”com.bd.*” /> </context:component-scan> As a side note, if you’re using Spring … Read more

How does Spring annotation @Autowired work?

Java allows access controls on a field or method to be turned off (yes, there’s a security check to pass first) via the AccessibleObject.setAccessible() method which is part of the reflection framework (both Field and Method inherit from AccessibleObject). Once the field can be discovered and written to, it’s pretty trivial to do the rest … Read more

Can spring @Autowired Map?

You can create an automatically initialized map with keys of your choice using Spring Java configuration: In class annotated with @Configuration annotation: @Autowired private List<ISendableConverter> sendableConverters; @Bean public Map<String, ISendableConverter> sendableConvertersMap() { Map<String, ISendableConverter> sendableConvertersMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ISendableConverter converter : sendableConverters) { sendableConvertersMap.put(converter.getType(), converter); } return sendableConvertersMap; } Than you inject this map … Read more