docker login unknown shorthand flag: ‘e’

add this to your call –no-include-email here is the new valid syntax : aws ecr get-login ${normal_params_here} –no-include-email aws ecr get-login –region us-east-1 –no-include-email # for example This new option is available in AWS CLI as of version 1.11.91 released on 05/23/2017 … issue this to upgrade : pip install –upgrade awscli see details here … Read more

Can’t push image to Amazon ECR – fails with “no basic auth credentials”

if you run $(aws ecr get-login –region us-east-1) it will be all done for you Update July 2021: get-login is now deprecated in version 1 of the AWS CLI. If you’re using version 2 of the AWS CLI, you must use get-login-password. You can pipe the output of get-login-password to your docker login command to … Read more